New Song Children’s Director
New Song Alliance Church was started with a vision to reach the largest unchurched demographic in Itasca County, primarily 20-30 years old. Even though we have been successful at reaching this age group, over time we have focused more on a style and culture of ministry, rather than an age group.
Our mission has been consistent with that of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in trying to reach the lost both locally and globally. Our mission statement and flow of ministry has been developed in order to support this.
The framework of the church has been built upon our Four Core Values (REAL):
Relevant Connecting to the current culture
Empowering Discovering and applying your God designed purpose
Authentic Living for Jesus through growing in His spirit
Loving Loving God and loving others
With a growing congregation, ministry needs and a desire to further develop our ministry, we are looking to fill the position for an Administrative Pastor. Although education and experience are important, we also desire a person who is passionate for Jesus, detail oriented and self-motived.
We hope this letter gives you a better understanding of who we are! The Grand Rapids area is a wonderful and beautiful area to live and raise a family. We are praying for God’s wisdom and blessing on you as you consider this position.
If you desire to submit a resume, you can send it directly to the church or email it to: We will be taking resumes through February 1st, 2023.
Thank you for your consideration!
New Song Alliance Church
15 SE 3rd Street
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(218) 999-5944